Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman: Trayvon attacked this guy, was hanging out where he didn't belong, and the media made a race circus about this case. I feel bad for both families, but mostly G. Z. because his life is destroyed. Clearly, he is taking responsibility for his actions, and is obviously not a racist killer.
Paula Deen: She is a lady from the South. People down there have a different culture. I doubt she is a racist. Her comments caught up with her. Her food still is good.
Max Scherzer going 13-0. He plays for Detroit. I need not say more.
NSA/traitor/espionage: Give this guy a break. He isn't a rat. He shared info that is valuable to every American. He should be welcomed back with open arms and given a sick retirement package. I doubt this is a dude that people want to punish. Send him to Fiji for the rest of his life, with no computer.
Mirena (IUD): Bad. News. This is the culprit for the nerve pain in my hands, thinning hair, horrible cystic face acne, weight gain, and worsening ADD symptoms. No one told me. Never again.
Prop 8 reversal: Finally, people are getting their heads on straight. The bottom line: Marry whomever you'd like. Just pay your taxes, take care of your kids, and mow your lawn. No big deal. If you are in a committed relationship with a person, and take care of each other, and go before your family and friends to commit to each other, then you should be privy to the same benefits as everyone else, regardless if this other person is the same gender as you. It is no one's business. "Marriage" wasn't created until some person invented the phrase. I know, because I looked it up. Yes, a human invented this term. Jesus didn't come into play until thousands of years after humans began a social evolution, enough to partner up with another human and have a relationship. There were no courts, no established churches, and no one throwing around the phrases "gay marriage," or "fundamentally wrong." Therefore, let's move on and focus on more important issues like welfare reform, or education reform. NOW, those are issues worth talking about because they are costing this country MILLIONS of dollars. MILLIONS. To me, it is actually embarrassing how "big" of an issue this has become. I'm pretty sure those men and women who are ardently against gay marriage may have something they'd like to share----like their own homosexual tendencies and their own insecurities about sharing who they REALLY are. But once again, it is no one's business. I hope to God (or Krishna, or Yahweh, or whoever) that Greta feels safe enough to share with me and the rest of her family who she loves and wants to commit herself to (when the time is right). God forbid she does not feel safe, welcome, supported enough to keep a large part of her life secret because it is considered unacceptable. To quote several tweets this past week, "#loveislove"
I am in the midst of expanding my cleaning empire. I have invested $100 in business cards, a car magnet, return label stickers, and an advertisement in a local play program to market Clean by Carrie. I have two more potential clients I am bidding this weekend. I feel confident that I can eventually grow Clean by Carrie into a money-making venture for myself. I am still juggling the cleaning and working at the restaurant. Some weeks are more relaxing than others, but I am mostly running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I am so thankful for Jim and Joan. They definitely are pulling up the rear with their help with Greta. I would eventually like to grow Clean by Carrie, so it is sustaining itself with myself and possibly one more employee. If Jennie was down here, we'd turn the shit out---Bam. Seriously. (Or my friend, Jamie. She is a great cleaner.)
And finally, a sad note. My friend, Kady, is moving. Back to Michigan. For the second time. Kady and I met in graduate school (at Marian). We would eventually merge paths again in Bloomington, because her husband (Tyson) was a year ahead of Dave in MBA school (at IU). Dave and Tyson played baseball against each other in high school.) They headed up to Michigan after Tyson finished his MBA. THEN, after two years and two babies, they headed back to Fort Wayne. We followed them to Fort Wayne a year later. So, here we are, and there they go. Back up to the D. Not okay. However, Tyson has a great opportunity with GM and Kady doesn't have to work. Win win. OH, and they can go to Tigers games and eat Coney Island whenever they please. I am a bit jealous. It has been pretty nice having a fellow mom two miles away that knows the adventures of mothering a toddler. Kady was the first person to really inform me about what it is like to be pregnant and give birth. (We are talking REAL information here. I.e., lady parts, breastfeeding, and the birth process.) There aren't many folks out there that will be "fo-real" with a fellow sister. Ya herd? So, on that note, I'm dedicating this blog to Kady. You are the real deal. AND, you are a great crafter. Plus, you have cute kids. All in all, you are a great friend and I will miss your presence in Fort Awesome. (Tear.)
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Kady and I in Berkley. Josie is in Kady's belly. Greta was no longer in my belly, but I still had a belly. |