Friday, July 20, 2012


Yes, I'm guilty once again.  With the "transitional" lifestyle I'm currently living, blogging has sadly fallen to #76 on my priority list.  Not much has happened---I'm living in Warsaw, Indiana during the week (which sucks--sorry Clevenger family), and taking mini trips to Fort Wayne with Greta to visit Dave's parental units during the day.  I've been down to Btown two times to do some home repair/cleaning/visiting with friends.  I'm not so fond of not having a real home base.  We've seen some houses we like in both Warsaw and Fort Wayne, but nothing too exciting.  The thought of moving makes me feel diarrhea pains in my lower abdominal region.  Greta has settled in nicely to her new duplex digs:  Carpeting, lots of closets, lots of glass doors and windows.  That only means one thing:  Lots of hiding places.  She is totally into the "Where's Greta?" game---she can seriously do this for an hour (that, while holding a sock/spoon/book/comb/cell phone; she is quite the multi-tasker). 

Beans and Biscuit are NOT as amped about our relocation efforts.  We don't have a fence, so Biscuit's spirit has been dampered by a run that is 20 feet long.  No squirrel duty for her.  Beans is a bit more happy, only because we have carpeting here, and that means lots of time rolling on the floor, rubbing her face in the carpet.  That is fine with me---more thirs for the next people that live here.  Meow.

Dave is enjoying his new job (a.k.a., school).  He is very busy and is working long hours.  He enjoys the competitive atmosphere, much like the soccer field or basketball court.  I am optimistic that he will excel at Zimmer.  We are missing our Btown and Cook friends.  There have been TWO babies borged (born) this week to friends, Camdyn and Eleanor.  I was able to meet Camdyn when hers first hatched.  She had birdy spikes and made puppy noises.  All things necessary to be a cute baby.  I will hopefully meet Eleanor next week when I go back for one day.  Both mommas are doing great.  I'm so happy for them!

Just some thoughts for the week:

Shooters in movie theatres are not okay.  Let the people watch their flick in peace.  Go blow up an abandon car in the middle of nowhere to appease your psychoness.

Well water is gross.  There is no way around it. 

Walmart folks are gross in every town.  It makes no difference.  Lots of muffin tops, trashy moms, and coke filled sippy cups at 11 pm.

Hills reruns make every morning better.

Finding the entire season of My So Called Life at a garage sale is basically like winning the lottery. 

Once Upon a Child stores are rip offs.  I want to start my own.

My job search begins next week.

Robert Kinkade wallpaper is super classy.  Thank God it matches the fake oak trim, or we'd be trashy.

I want a minivan.  I love my Suby, but a minivan would be better.

A good friend will listen to you talk about the same damn thing for several weeks and not tell you to fuck off.

A better friend will send her mom your way to help you find a new house in a new city, AND introduce you to the nice Amish bakery downtown.

The bestest friends let you stay at their house, shower there, eat your food, and make messes on the counter and still give you high fives when you leave.

And finally, American Greed Scams is the bestest shower ever. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    Congratulations to Dave on the new job- it sounds like a great opportunity. Good luck with the transition...that's where Erin is hoping to be really soon!
