Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday Updates:

Welp, I didn't get the job.  No worries over here, though.  Too much traveling and my potential boss doesn't have her own penis to swing around.  Yes, she is that kind of woman.

Biscuit now has staples in her leg, because of re opening the wound started by Beans.  She went after a rabbit, partially killed it, and came back in the house with a nasty gash.  6 staples later and a $250 bill to prove it, she is on "house arrest."

Greta still has a nasty cold with a gross runny nose.  I'm totally buying stock in a company that can make a toddler friendly Dayquil.

Dave has officially put me on a budget.  I have already accepted his "no more house expenses" challenge, repurposing as much as I can with what we already have.  I've made it my mission to his up the ReStore and Goodwill before I venture out for new products.  And couponing is more important than ever.  Too bad there aren't coupons for milk, eggs, fruit, vegetables, and half and half.

Oh, don't send a package via FedEx.  It is way too expensive.  We found a post office 10 minutes away, (and it happens to be down the way from my favorite used furniture store).

I'm hoping to get more of my friends on the coupon kick so we can trade/swap/clip together.  (like on Mr. Mom.  "I'll trade you one Tender Viddles....")

We are heading back up to the D in the very near future.  I can't wait to go to the Salvation Army near Mom and Dad's house and hopefully meet up with some old friends (Katie Ketner).

I will be eating Leo's while I'm home.

I will hopefully be heading downtown to take some much needed photos for a home project I am interesting in starting.

There is a great outlet mall near Mom and Dad's--they accept coupons, so I'm hoping to get some clothes for Dave and myself.  My pre baby clothes don't fit well (thank you, Concerta), so I'm all about some new duds.

We are looking forward to our NEW dishwasher being delivered tomorrow.  DON'T BUY A SAMSUNG.  Thankfully, Best Buy was able to exchange our crap one for a new Bosch.  Super pumped.

Spot Shot is the best carpet stain remover ever.  Of all time.  Ever.

And we have no mi guesta winter in Fort Awesome.

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