Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Great Lakes, Great Times

I enjoyed a glorious weekend with my entire Ohana. It is always great when my brother Joey comes home from California. Sadly, his wifey Kelly had to stay in San Fran for work. She's trying to "stick it to the man" as a high powered attorney. Go Kelly.

My weekend began at Nemo's, a Detroit sports staple. Located at the center of Corktown, just east of the Train Station, you can find THE BEST BURGER IN DETROIT. I opted for a turkey burger, knowing I was going to eat like a horse later in the day. Chatter usually revolves around Red Wing hockey, Tiger baseball, and how bad the economy is-----nevertheless, I miss Nemo's and all of its glory when I'm in Bloomington. My Pepe (grandfather) is found there every Friday....corner table.....bowl of soda......good stuff.

Jennie and I then ventured to the old Train Station to take some pictures. The old terminal is a hot button in Detroit. Once a glorious architectural structure, it now basically stands in ruins. Sadly, it is very symbolic of the downturn in Michigan. A beacon during the "hay-day" of Detroit, now it is an eye sore for visitors and residents.

Lots of walks with Jennie's dog, Kasia, and several naps later, Lions Sunday had approached! Dana, Joey and I tailgated at the Eastern Market witnessing the true glory of die hard Lions fans. It was frigging awesome. We had incredible seats. There was a douchbag Rams fan sitting next to us. Thankfully after three Lions touchdowns, he finally shut up. It was awesome.

Three days later, I am finally caught up with my life in Bloomington----Dane re-sided our garage with his parents. It looks great. I finally feel like our house is looking like a home.

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