Tuesday, October 5, 2010

More Pirate's Booty and Mi Familia

I am snacking on Pirate's Booty right now! It is so delicious as I crunch my way through a quarter of the bag in one sitting......outstanding.

On a different note, I was doing some research on the Internet today in the hopes of bridging the gap in the Monforton Family history books. Apparently the Monforton name is that of one family---there is a portion of the family in Montana (Monforton Elementary). The majority seems to be in lower Ontario, Canada or the Detroit area. There are two specific Facebook pages dedicated to the Monforton Clan. It is pretty interesting. I think my second cousin, once removed, has some of the genealogy complete all the way back to 1779. I know there were Monfortons present during the French occupation/presence at Fort Mackinaw. To sum up, I have a ton of relatives I don't know and the family has been around a while.

Monfortonism of the Day: If someone can smell you all the way down the hallway (a high school hallway), CLEARLY, you need to lay off the Britney Spears' Fantasy perfume.

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