Sunday, June 26, 2011

Time Warp Continuum

This picture highlights her "baby bird spikes." I found a nest in our butterfly bush the day before she was hatched. I am convinced this is the nest she came from, due to the amazing spike-mullet action she rocks on a regular basis. And yes, she does get bed head.

This is Dave enjoying all of "his girls." Please note the look on Beans' face---I found her 5th "I'm going to runaway note" this morning.

Greta's Nona and Pepe---my dad was super nervous to hold her---not sure why. He is a ol' pro, having dealt/raised 4 unruly children with serious potty mouths.

Greta and her Pepe. Priceless. (Yes, he is wearing a Clarkston Lacrosse teeshirt. Greta is waiting for hers in the mail.)

Greta and her "Nana." Nana is our neighbor who we love dearly---the dogs know her as Nana, and she adores her newest love.

Dave getting her out of the car for the first time---I had to capture this moment as a proud momma. Beans and Biscuit had no idea what was coming.........

I have been stuck in an awesome time-suck for the last two weeks---no one tells you that when you bring your offspring home, you lose all sense of time (and wardrobe)----the only way I really know a day has passed is by looking out the window---"Oh, it is nighttime, tomorrow is a new day. I hope she sleeps tonight." Seriously, this is my conversation with myself each night. I am glad to take night shifts so Dave can sleep. She doesn't breastfeed for very long (no thanks to a hooter reduction years back to really F things up for me), so we supplement with formula. Dave enjoys any time he gets with her, so I gladly pass feedings on to him. We've been blessed help from his mom this weekend---she weeded my front garden bed, transplanted some perennials for me, and held the baby enough so I could "pull it together." Again, there are TONS of things no one tells you about bringing home baby and that dumb shit show on TLC doesn't help either. I could get more into this, but I want to keep this blog fun, so I won't. However, I must mention this: Dear Readers, if you are considering borging, yes BORGING, a baby out of your lady business, be advised that "things" will NOT go back to spectacular in just a few short weeks. TIME is your friend, sort of. The thought of riding a bike, kayaking, sitting for long lengths of time, wearing a mini skirt/bathing suit/thong, and doing the sexy times are totally out of the question. GOOD GOD. That is all I'm going to say. Seriously, if I had known, I would have voluntarily signed up for a C Section. Seriously----if you don't know, now you know. (I think Dr. Dre has mentioned that a few times on some of his albums, and now I know what he is talking about.)

I uploaded a few images from the last two weeks----I need to do a better job of taking pictures each day to record her daily awesomeness.

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