Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Longer Paws...

So our internet has been down for a few days and I'm without my work computer (forever), so thank you for your patience. A few updates:

1. Baby Norton has NOT hatched. I'm 38.5 weeks today and about to leave for my doctor's appointment. I'm hoping for a few things: I've advanced from last time (I was only at 1). I'm hoping for a 3. OR, she'll feel bad for me with my aching back and say "Ok, let's get the show on the road and inject me with some magnificent potion (Pitocin) to speed things up." I'm doubting that will be the scenario, but a girl can wish.
2. No, I don't have my bag packed. I'm sure Jamie Rahmany and Mande Miskewycz are rolling their eyes now. BUT, her room is ready and Dave is on high alert.
3. I'm officially unemployed. I filed for unemployment yesterday and it honestly feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. It is not even close to my paycheck with school, but it is something and I'm not complaining. I know this will buy me at least 6 months to figure out what I want to do next. I'm surely NOT going back to education as a teacher---ideas are always welcome.
4. To dovetail on #3, I watched Waiting for Superman the other day with Dave. Good Grief. I could go on and on about my opinions about our current education system in the US and this video DID NOT curtail my opinions. Geoffrey Canada is a freak and so is Michelle Rhee. Snaps for trying though.....I will be posting something about this subject later. I'm hoping all of my educator friends will comment or possibly guest blog.
5. Went to Wal-mart on Memorial Day. Holy Shit---awesome people watching. Apparently it was "Come As You Are Day." I saw a whole hot mess of fashions---bathing suits, pajamas, missing teeth, licey hair....oh yea. Good times.
6. Jim and Joan Norton get the "Awesome-est In-Laws in the World" Award again. They came down this past weekend and did a whole mess of things around the house---refinished a dresser, fixed the fascia/gutter on the west side of the house, replanted my window boxes, and provided lots of love and laughter to our fur-babies. Oh how I loves me some Nortons.
7. The Stanley Cup finals started last night. I could only bring myself to watch about 15 minutes. My dear Red Wings are not in the mix, so I am left with no choice but to cheer for the Bruins, definitely an oldey and a goody. Vancouver is a mixmosh of thugs and asses. Luongo can defend a mean goal, but again, my high fives are for the Bruins.
8. I have been catching up with My So Called Life on the Sundance Channel. "I love the way he leans...." Probably the best way to summarize Jordan Catalano's hotness in one breath......I'm hoping my baby sister can guest blog about why MSCL is so awesome.
9. And finally, I saw Paris Hilton's new show, The World According to Paris. Give me a damn break. No brains, bad extensions, horrible manners, baby talk, a mildly hot/gay boyfriend, a stupid assistant.....seriously?!? I will tune in one more time to give it another chance, but most likely, I won't give my support. Aubrey O'Day on the Oxygen channel was way better. She looks like a hot mess/transvestite. What's not to watch?!?!

I will try to keep up better with the blog. The Comcast guy is coming out on Saturday to hopefully make the computer functional. Until then.....keep your fingers crossed that this baby isn't 11 pounds and 30 inches long. I want a small squirrel baby to bring home to her fur-sisters.....not an alien. Oh, and I want my lady parts IN TACT afterwards.

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