Sunday, December 4, 2011

An unproductive day. It all started with my wardrobe choice: tie-dyed shirt from a random summer camp I worked at, Dave's old soccer warm up pants with paint stains all over them, and my SJC sweatshirt. Oh, no socks. Slippers.

I did, however, shower.

This was the extent of my "production" today. I'm waiting for a magical leprechaun to show up and complete my "TO DO LIST:"
1. Put up Christmas decorations.
2. Finish the laundry.
3. Finish organizing/cleaning Greta's room.
4. Finish organizing/cleaning our room.
5. Clean the basement.
6. Put up Christmas lights outside.

I'm up for any person/animal/creature coming to my house to complete these tasks for the low, low, LOW price of FREE. (My friendship is priceless).

Go Lions!

Oh, and I'm pissed at Mother Nature. She was suppose to bring SNOW, not RAIN. Boo. It's December. I've been patient. Where's my snow?!?!

1 comment:

  1. I hear list looks almost exactly like yours. I'm just feeling uninspired this year and that makes me feel guilty because it's Marley's first Christmas (she obviously doesn't care, so I need to get over it. Here's to tomorrow being a productive, snowy day.
