Sunday, February 12, 2012

I finally feel like I'm making headway with my pelvic floor issues (TMI?) After MONTHS of dealing with this, and getting NO answers from any doctors, I finally found a GREAT doctor in Indy, Dr. Douglass Hale, through Dave's aunt. He is a uro-gynecologist who specializes in trauma. He is fabulous. He's the first person that has actually given me some straight answers about some of the problems I've been having. He directed me to his awesome physical therapist, who only does pelvic floor work. Christy, the therapist, is amazing. We will become best friends for the next 12-18 weeks as she tries to get my lady business up and running. She is very confident that I won't need surgery. She did advise me to wait at least 2 years before having another baby, and when that times comes, it will be a c-section. She also said that majority of the "work" I will do will involve learning how to breathe from my belly---something I totally have no idea about. She said this is how you should be lifting anything to give your lower abs/pelvic floor a break. In a nutshell, she is a genius and I wish I had seen her from the word go.

I would like to take this time to recognize all of the FUCKING HORRIBLE doctors out there who manage to fuck up people on a regular basis and stand behind their malpractice insurance as a means to continue to their "practices." While I'm not speaking about anyone specifically, I've seen enough of them in the last 8 months to write a book. I'd also like to make a nice shoutout to all of the amazing attorneys, therapists, and friends who manage to pick up the pieces after being victim to FUCKING HORRIBLE doctors. Silly me.....I keep forgetting that just because someone goes to school for a million years does NOT make them capable of making good, sound, and safe decisions. Furthermore, I'd like to give a million highfives to those doctors who are AMAZING, GIFTED, COMPASSIONATE, AND KIND. These doctors are not recognized enough----they DO make people better. You always know a good doctor---they are the ones who always are completely open-minded, supportive of second and third opinions and alternative medicine, as well as super long appointments that consist mostly of talking. These doctors also speak to you in a manner that a patient can wholly understand, and don't need the dumb receptionist explaining everything after an appointment.

That is all.

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