Friday, February 18, 2011

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday! I am excited to say I do not have to go to school on Monday as I celebrate Presidents Day. While there are some presidents that I do admire (Clinton, Jefferson), there are some that I am not so proud of (the shrubs'). I'm sure you can guess who they are.....

I will spending my day off cleaning and getting things organized in the basement. In the meantime, I am enjoying an extra 4-legged guest that has been staying with us. Wrigley Miskewicz, daughter of Mande and Darian, is a wonderful addition to our pack. She is the sweetest dog ever! She enjoys walks, ear rubs, treats, and avoiding Biscuit at all costs. (Biscuit tries to herd Wrigs into the corner and tell her what to do.)

**(Note Beans in the background. They were laying on the carpet together enjoying some 90210 with me)

I've become a loyal blog reader in the last few months and there are some additions I'd like to make some additions to my blog starting today:

1. Making lists. I enjoy reading other people's lists. Things they want to do, things they have already done, funny happenings during the day, favorite brands of chips, etc.
2. A highlight and low(light) for each post. For example, a highlight to my day was my tall decaf Americano with extra cream, a treat from my colleague. A lowlight, hearing about my friend's house burning down. Yes, these things happen. I'll talk about that a bit later.....
3. A funny/annoying/sarcastic crack about living on the westside of Bloomington. For example, on my drive home today, I was position behind a large Dodge pick up truck at a light near my house. This truck was making dones of exhaust noise (because this was a cool feature of the car, according to the driver). I couldn't help but notice all of the poisonous fumes coming from the tailpipe, when I read the bumper sticker: "Stop strokin' and start cummin'." CLASSY. Good god. Some one reared this person---gross.

So, without further adieu, my first list:

Best Singers/Bands to listen to during a commute from Bloomington to Indianapolis:
1. Adele. This lady wails---in a good way. LOVES HER.
2. Steely Dan
3. Neil Diamond
4. Song selections from the show "Glee"
5. Like I was going to leave this out, Van Halen. It is never too early for Van Hagar.

Highlight of the Day:
It's Friday, and I have a three day weekend. Holler.
Lowlight of the Day:
My Christmas decor is still visible in the house. Yes, I'm THAT person.

Pregnancy Update:
I will be 24 weeks tomorrow. I suppose I should be purchasing a crib well as all the other things that make a room a "nursery."

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