Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I have been watching the news a bit more lately with all of the commotion in the Middle East. Sadly, those folks are having a really hard time. I try to avoid the news usually, though I feel I am watching history unfold. With so much political unrest for so long, maybe the people there will finally feel the slightest bit of democracy. I love my freedoms: Grocery stores, fast driving, swearing, skirts, bras, nail polish, education, and my freedom to choose and express myself how I like. I'm not much of a pray-er, but lately the people of the Middle East have surely been on my mind.

The U.S. is facing its fair share of crap-o-lah as well.....Union battles in Wisconsin, the possibility of Planned Parenthood losing all funding, snowstorms....yes, the Armageddon is approaching. Here are some of insights. (Note: These are OPINIONS, not FACTS. I am a public school teacher. I vote. I used to be a social worker. I'm just saying......)

Planned Parenthood: I am a loyal patron of Planned Parenthood. I FULLY support their efforts to help educate and provide services to women across the country. While they do provide abortion services, the majority (90%) of their outreach helps women (and men) in other ways. I hope to God they don't lose their funding----lots of diseased women running around town with no support. Yikes.

Unions: I am a teacher, though not a Union member. However, I like my crappy wages and my legal support. Without Unions, teachers would make minimum wage. Teachers educate children from ages 3-19. Yes, that is important.

Snowstorms: I need to move to Colorado or Minnesota.

That is all.

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