Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Presidents Day

I celebrated Presidents Day with a shopping trip to Edinburgh. Over a $100 bucks later, I realized cute Spring-like clothes at Loft will not fit me and I need to stick to yoga pants/maternity dresses. Whatever.
I was accompanied by Mrs. Mande Miskewycz. She is a great co-pilot as well as a lovely dog owner----her daughter is Wrigley, a regular at Casa Norton for overnights.

(***This picture was taken at the Michigan/IU tailgate. The next morning, I found out I was prego. Please also note the Miller Lite in my hand. Yes, I consumed "the beer" while pregnant. Classy.)

Bloomington dodged yet another winter bullet---MN and MI got pounded with snow and we got rain. Ugh. Winter isn't over---Mother Nature needs to grow some ovaries and start delivering the white stuff.

My list for today....
Sights I see on my drive home:
1.) Junk cars overloaded with junk inside---I saw a Buick LeSabre with a Target shopping cart hanging out of the trunk. This is what I call White Trash Awesomeness.
2.) Indianapolis Animal Shelter. I fight going for a "visit" practically every day. Torture.
3.) Barrels of disgusting air pollution billowing out of two smoke stacks. I call this the "Gateway to Indy." Superbowl my ass.
4.) Three homeless people stationed at the same three spots every day. They always have on a different change of clothes and a Starbucks. Interesting.
5.) The same "tricked out" Neon--ground effects, Monster Energy Drink sticker, one missing hubcap, and rap blaring through the windows. So. Not. Hot.

1. My new no-chip manicure in the shade "Bella's Vampire." (I am on Team Jacob for the record.)
2. A container of spaghetti ready for my consumption upon opening the refrigerator door.
3. Learning that Bachelor Pad will return for a second season. (I know there is a God!)

1. Beans staring at me with sad eyes because she didn't get to go to puppy school with her sister.
2. The dead opossum that still is "resting" under our pine trees because a certain neighborhood scavenger hasn't done his job. Gross.

Pregnancy Update:

24 weeks on Saturday......
I think at this point I look officially "knocked up." (That is how my sister Dana affectionately refers to my situation.) Baby Norton is about one and half pounds and is approaching the length of a cucumber. She moves around like crazy---She's had the hiccups twice. I sort of feel like Bella in Breaking Dawn. We finished registering for baby gear---not so much fun. My feet feel like sausages sometimes and I hate "advice" older women give me----It is hard for me to listen to a woman who has illegitimate children, a fat ass, and 3 divorces under her belt.

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