Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Ham Day!

In celebration of the resurrection of Christ, I helped my momma in law make a kick-ass ham. It involved slow and low cooking, apricot preserves and dijon mustard. Delish! We celebrated in true Fort Wayne (Fort Awesome) fashion by eating a ton....all day......discussing professional sports.....wise cracking about prior holiday eating, and most importantly, the newest addition to the Koch Family: Ms. Eleanor Claire Krauss. Dave's cousin Sara gave birth to this beautiful unicorn princess almost one month ago----I got to hold her and stroke her baby bird hair as well as change three poopy diapers. She is so cute! I tried to administer one of the five "S" imperatives from the Happiest Baby on The Block book in an effort to ease her fussiness last night and it worked! My sssshhhhing was off the charts. Granted, I was holding her football style. I enjoy this baby hold because is pushes all the baby gas out, and when they do fall asleep, it is like holding a sac of potates.....puppy potatoes! So cute! I don't have pics yet, but I'll be sure to post them when I get them from Dave's momma.

I feel slightly ginormous today, so my hands are super swollen. They look like two blown-up surgical gloves. Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. I loved Happiest Baby on the Block! Sounds like you have been doing your homework. Hands-on practice with a real-life baby is always the best way to practice. :) Not that you need will be such an amazing momma!
