Monday, July 11, 2011

A new day, a new week

So, I am beginning my fifth week of motherhood. For future mommies out there, take note:

1. If you are taking fenugreek to help your milk production, beware. You will smell like maple syrup when you begin perspiring. SUPER HOT.
2. Your dog may hate you. Beans has been sleeping in the closet for the last week.
3. You begin to accept that looking good includes no makeup, no blowdry, a crap pedicure, and much needed waxed eyebrows. (Sidenote: Thanks to Monica at Spaah!, I now have groomed eyebrows---if you aren't going to wear makeup, the eyebrows can hold things down.)
4. And lastly, your house goes to hell in a handbasket. I now have a mouse problem in the kitchen because I have been too tired at night to clean up. So, Ms. Hermione F. Mouse has decided to start having raves at night. It is disgusting. I belong on hoarders. Ms. Mouse is a bitch from hell and do intend to kill her and all of her homies.

On a brighter note, my sister Jennie was here this weekend and I was able to enjoy some much needed time outside in my yard. Thanks Aunt Jennie! AND, to make things even better, my mom is here until Wednesday. WHOO HOO! I actually slept for seven straight hours last night while Nona took the night time feedings. Greta, however, was not so impressed. She let me know it this morning when she fussed for about two hours and not even Keeping Up With the Kardashians could calm her down.

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