1. The first rule is to post these rules.
2. Post a photo of yourself and 11 things about yourself/your life .
3. Answer the questions set for you in the original post.
4. Create 11 new questions and tag people to answer them.
5. Go to their blog/twitter and tell them that you've tagged them. 11 Random Things About Me:
1- I bite my nails.....all the time. It is disgusting. The only thing that seems to help me is fake nails, i.e., "Ain't Gonna Do Shit" nails. (That is what Doug Monforton, my dad, calls them.)
2- I'm obsessed with asking people questions and demanding answers. For example, "If you won the lottery, what would the first three things you would do with the money?"
3- I love baby animals. Obsessed. They make all things better in life. I especially love puppies and baby goats.
4- When I was younger, I used to LOVE throwing underpants up into my parent's ceiling fan.
5- I love junk food. Spaghettios and Meatballs, Cheetos, doughnuts. Yep, gross.
6- I fantasize about my dream house about 20 times a day. Pinterest and Houzz.com does not help.
7- I go to gossip websites on my iPhone about 4 times a day. A total time suck.
8- I have anxiety about everything, especially money and what my garden looks like.
9- I think farting is hilarious. Again, I have the mind of a 7 year old.
10- I love being from the great state of Michigan So much, I have the old english "D" tattooed on my ankle..
11- I see a therapist once a week because I think I'm nuts.
3- I love baby animals. Obsessed. They make all things better in life. I especially love puppies and baby goats.
4- When I was younger, I used to LOVE throwing underpants up into my parent's ceiling fan.
5- I love junk food. Spaghettios and Meatballs, Cheetos, doughnuts. Yep, gross.
6- I fantasize about my dream house about 20 times a day. Pinterest and Houzz.com does not help.
7- I go to gossip websites on my iPhone about 4 times a day. A total time suck.
8- I have anxiety about everything, especially money and what my garden looks like.
9- I think farting is hilarious. Again, I have the mind of a 7 year old.
10- I love being from the great state of Michigan So much, I have the old english "D" tattooed on my ankle..
11- I see a therapist once a week because I think I'm nuts.
1- Age? 32
2- Dream job? Professional puppy ear rubber at the Humane Society, home organizer, or florist.
4- Favorite recipe? Knock You Naked brownies from Pioneer Woman. Holy man. They are so good.
5- Favorite book? The Great Gatsby
6- One-piece or two-piece swimsuit? Oh man---that is like asking, "Don't you LOVE bra shopping?!?!" Um, I haven't worn a bathing suit in a LONG time (for a reason).
7- Most embarrassing moment? Getting bowled over by Amber DeWald at the Christmas Dance, at SJC, first year there, only to be laughed at/pointed at by our starting center of the men's basketball team.
8- Pets? Names? Two dogs: Beans, almost 8, and Biscuit, almost 4. Loves of my life.
9- Specific makeup item you couldn't live without? Makeup?!?! I look homeless most of the time. I think mascara does a lot, and Bare Minerals foundation.
10- Favorite song of the moment? Tough question....anything by Bruce Springsteen, Bruce Hornsby, and every lame song from the 80's. I'd prefer to list my favorite genre of music: Yacht Rock. (This music is often heard in the grocery store, dentist office, or a local swim club.)
11- Weekend plans? A wonderful dinner on Saturday night to celebrate a friend's birthday, gardening, and cleaning (all while in very casual attire).
My Questions:
1. What are three features that your "dream house" has?
2. Ideal vacation spot?
3. If you could meet one celebrity, who and why?
4. What is one thing you are good at?
5. Favorite Yankee Candle scent?
6. Favorite college memory?
7. If you could have any other person's life, who and why?
8. Food aversions?
9. Favorite movie?
10. Best meal you've ever eaten?
Now it's your turn, Katie, Kady, Jennie, Dana, and Erin!
My Questions:
1. What are three features that your "dream house" has?
2. Ideal vacation spot?
3. If you could meet one celebrity, who and why?
4. What is one thing you are good at?
5. Favorite Yankee Candle scent?
6. Favorite college memory?
7. If you could have any other person's life, who and why?
8. Food aversions?
9. Favorite movie?
10. Best meal you've ever eaten?
Now it's your turn, Katie, Kady, Jennie, Dana, and Erin!

You crack me up. "Ain't Gonna Do Shit" nails. I love that. I'm on day #5 of "STOP BITING MY NAILS" rehab. So far, so good. Next week will be a test of my strength...it's moving week.