Thursday, March 1, 2012

And the flu has almost left (our) building. Dave went back to work and Dana and I are no longer prisoners to the commode/bathroom/Zofran. We have turned the corner! I have to follow up with my gastroenterologist on Monday to go over some blood work. My liver counts were super high, and paired with some enlarged lymph nodes and some cysts on my liver, a trip up to Indy is necessary. Thankfully he has a great sense of humor, a cool pair of glasses, and isn't bad to look at--- it should be a nice trip.

I have been working to sanitize the house---I would feel awful if a visitor came in and ended up getting what we had. I understand this flu is going around Indiana like crazy----stomach yuckies, fevers, and lots of aches. Not okay.

Dana has been at the house since Monday. It is great having company here--I'd say I'm somewhat lonely during the week, with Dave being at work until 630 every night. Dana and I were able to catch up on some much needed television viewing---One Tree Hill and Smash. While I am not yet on the Smash wagon, it does look interesting. OTH, well, I've been a fan for some time. The plot line this season is super lame. However, Sophia Bush has rockin' hair and she recycles. What's not to love?

A little incident I shall tell my readers about---

I decided to walk up to Kroger to get some soda for Dana yesterday. It was about 430, and I knew there wouldn't be too much traffic activity. Greta in tow (in her stroller), we set off for our 1 mile walk. We made it to Kroger just fine. As we were exiting the parking lot, some jack-hole in his "child molester style Buick" decided that he had the right of way as I was about to cross in front of him. I surely mentioned that he had a "nice car" and that he did, in fact, resemble some ass-clown I saw on a recent pedophile watch poster. I swear, there are so many people out there in the world that are NOT mom/child/family friendly. They don't open doors for you, don't help you if you drop something, and never give you the right of way. Thankfully, I have a distinct vocabulary I like to draw upon when these moments happen---AND I'm not afraid of the repercussions if said incident gets out of hand. I know I have a great right hook AND I know I can run faster than some of the morbidly obese people I see frequenting the local BP for the Big Gulps of Mountain Dew and Rockstar Energy Drink. (I might pee on myself during the process.) You know exactly who I'm talking about. OH, and when people don't help me with the door when I'm holding Greta or pushing her in the stroller, I SURELY say EACH TIME, "Thanks, Asshole." I make sure I say it nice and loud too. AND when someone DOES open the door for me, I praise them they like just peed in the potty for the first time. Snaps to them. Seriously---you can ask some of my friends. I want to humiliate these people----AND when they are on the side of the road with a flat tire, I WON'T help them. There, I said it.

AND, my daffodils are blooming. I have given up all hope for snow this winter. Maybe next year.

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