Saturday, May 21, 2011


I have blogged about the end of humanity before, and because today is supposedly the Rapture, I thought writing another entry would be fitting. So, today is the end of the world? Fancy, because I don't feel any different. I would have expected really bad weather (not happening), no food in the fridge (just had a nice breakfast), nothing on television ( a Glee and One Tree Hill marathon), and most importantly, strange animals walking the streets (not so much). SO, I guess it ain't happenin'. A few more things---I cleaned up my vegetable/flower garden beds in the hopes that it would give Baby Norton a reminder that it may be time for eviction......she's not here. BUT, my garden beds look great.

My friend Jamie called me this morning just to check on Baby Norton's progress (oh, for the record, I'm 37 weeks. At this point, if she were to be hatched, she would be healthy. No squirrel status here.) I informed her that my womb was still occupied and I felt fine. We then started to chat about bringing young kids to restaurants/outings and that it may entail. She reminded me of an incident with her oldest, Cole, on a visit to Pottery Barn. Cole basically had a Defcon 8 meltdown and Jamie was convinced someone was going to call CPS. I suppose I need to start mentally/emotionally preparing for such events. HOWEVER, I am hoping this baby is like Dave--cool, calm, and always collected. If she is anything like me, I'll be a Xanax-alcoholic by age 34. (I.E. Stepford Wife)

On a happy note, snaps/highfives/gold medals to two families:
1. Congrats Heinz Family! Cathy and Brock, mother and daddy to two baby boys are going to welcome another baby in December. This is a blessing, considering the challenges that may come with trying to have a baby. So happy!
2. Congrats Greer Family! Megan and Jonathan welcomed Griffin West Greer to the world a few weeks ago. Megan is doing great and it should be known that young Griffin was 10.5 pounds. Yes, she deserves a gold medal (as does her lady business).

And another thing---because the weather on this fine day is so nice, Dave has decided to tackle cleaning the garage. Here is the before:
I will surely post and "after" picture.

Happy Saturday!

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