Saturday, May 14, 2011

Long Paws......

So, was down for a few days and I've been busy trying to "baby proof" our house. Needless to say, the computer was moved, I'm without a dresser, and my feet are fat. GOOD TIMES. SO, this week has been filled with ups and downs. Like my friend Katie's blog, I'm going to do a "Roses and Thorns" section this time....(much like my Highlight and Lowlights).

1. Today was my third baby shower, thrown by Jennie and my friend Mande. It was awesome! I was able to see several of my teaching friends that I haven't seen in a while. It was great catching up and hearing about the happenings in their lives. My friend Jamie brought her little unicorn princess, Sophie, with her. She is so stinking cute! And by the grace of God, Sophie is doing GREAT after several months of medical issues.
2. There is only 10 more days left of school. Whew! I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. I won't miss it.
3. I went to the doctor on Monday and got some pre-game stats on Baby Norton. It goes a little something like this: She weighs 6lbs 12 oz.; she has hair; she is head down; I have more amniotic fluid than the average person, therefore, she is enjoying her hot tub in her baby apartment. I go back again this coming Monday. Maybe I'll have something more interesting to share.
4. Kathryn Shannon Whorf will be graduating from George Washington Medical School tomorrow afternoon. The Monforton Norton Clan could not be prouder of Katie. She is like a sister to me and I can't wait to hear about her new adventures as a medical doctor.

1. My Pepe (grandfather) sadly lost his brother (my great uncle) Frank this week to cancer. It is heart wrenching hearing any family member grieve----no likey.
2. It was quite warm this week.....not sure how I am liking the warm up, because if it anything like the summer we had last year, NO THANK YOU. I hate heat. Several of my plants don't like it and Biscuit doesn't like it.
3. I got a flat tire in the ghetto. Just my luck.
4. To further #3, I locked my keys in my car this week......while my car was still running. Pure Genius.
5. My feet are swelling like crazy. Yuck. NOT HOT.
6. Finally, I saved the worst for last. The Red Wings lost Game 7 of their playoff series. Not Good. Next year. I'm a fan forever.

I need to do a better job posting pictures this coming week. I promise, I'll try.

2. T

1 comment:

  1. Nice job with the Roses & Thorns :) You are getting so close to becoming a momma- hang in there...I can't wait to hear the news when your baby girl arrives!
