Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lock it Up

I entitled today's blog "Lock It Up," as a dedication to my friend Melissa Jones. Today is her birthday. She has an amazing spirit and is sure to include everyone in conversation, a dance circle, and a round of shots. Melissa, Happy Birthday!

I decided to take today off, considering I couldn't fit any shoes on my feet today. Yes, once again, my feet look like blown up surgical gloves. While I am totally taking this pregnancy in stride, sometimes I look down at my "paws" and laugh. Seriously---they look like sausages. Dave always laughs. I compare my feet to Beanie and Biscuit's paws and I think they all look too similar. If this is the only "side effect" of a human in my baby apartment, so be it. I've been able to prop my feet up for a fair amount of the morning, interrupted by a round of dishes, and finishing my shower thank you notes (while listening to the Indigo Girls)----not a bad morning. I am picking up our crib this afternoon. Dave can deal with the assembly on his own time. I will sure document that occasion with pictures.

A request to my blog followers---please pray for Amy and Erin. Sadly, they each experienced tragedy this week with the passing of their babies.......Pray for their strength and courage this week. I'm not much of a pray-er, but times like these call for all the stops.

I will provide for you
And I'll stand by your side
You'll need a good companion for
This part of the ride
Leave behind your sorrows
Let this day be the last
Tomorrow there'll be sunshine
And all this darkness past

-Bruce Springsteen, Land of Hope and Dreams

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