Thursday, March 3, 2011

Adventures in Chicagoland

This past weekend, I ventured to our friendly neighbor to the northwest, Illinois. Jennie and Chris bought a new house in Woodridge. It is fabulous----not like the ejector pit they lived in before. Thankfully, Chris and Jennie made the "pit" habitable, though not without the rank smells of raccoon dumps every so often, sewage in the backyard, and piles of junk in the basement (because their landlord is a hoarder). Although I was not really able to do much as far as heavy lifting, I was able to bring a warm spirit, my crass sense of humor, and my affinity for all things related to carbohydrates (I made them a sausage-noodle casserole). It was topped off by a visit to IKEA, which is one of the bestest, yes, bestest, places to go shopping. Here is an impromptu list of why IKEA is awesome:
1. Cinnamon rolls.
2. The shopping carts move in every direction because of the wheels' ability to rotate a full 180 degrees.
3. IKEA is located 8 minutes from Jennie's house.
4. Everything at IKEA is cheap. I love it.
5. Again, cinnamon rolls.

I'd like to take a moment to discuss Chicagoland drivers:
While on I-80/94, I noticed that there are a variety of drivers on the road. Some travel super fast, some super slow, some like to read while driving, some seem to be on a totally different planet, and some, well, really suck at driving (those who are slow, texting, not paying attention, have a whole mess of smoke blowing out of their muffler, and can't manage to stay in their own lane). These drivers differ from Indiana drivers because it seems as though Indiana drivers can't take a hint when a person is tailing you in the left lane. For those morons out there, that means "GET THE FUCK INTO THE NEXT LANE." Yes, this is a pet peeve of mine. Excuse the profanity. It really pisses me off. The left lane is for passing. If I ever make it to Congress, that will be my platform: The Left Lane is For Passing. Spread the Word.

I am approaching my 26th week of pregnancy and things are moving along nicely. As mentioned before, Baby Norton kicks a ton. She enjoys all activities related to eating. Therefore, I know she is my daughter. I received my baby shower invitation in the mail that my bestie Adrienne is throwing---a glorious invitation that involved beautiful script, cute graphics, and a wonderful motif. I am very excited and extremely lucky to have such a nice pal in my life that wants to throw me a shower. While I have tried to keep this blog light and funny, I have to take some time to discuss my feelings about being pregnant. I know I am extremely blessed---I am healthy, my unborn baby is healthy, I am employed, Dave is employed, the dogs are healthy, all things are good. There are several people I know that have struggled to conceived, as well as carry a child full term----I understand the pure luck that is involved with this wonderful "experiment." For the record, I am thankful every day. I am thankful for my friends' children, and their incredible insights. I am just thankful. I always think happy thoughts for those moms, soon to be moms, and their children.

Dave started to do a minor renovation project, the bathroom. It needed some updating. Fixtures, shower curtain, better storage, etc. More pictures to come....

1. I had an amazing salami sandwich at Jimmy John's for lunch yesterday. Every Wednesday should be celebrated with salami.
2. I got some great spoiler dish on One Tree Hill. It is the little things in life that make my day.
3. Packzi Day is approaching. (Pune-ch-kee, a.k.a., polish doughnut.) If you don't know what that means, google it.
4. My friend, Betsy, had her baby boy yesterday. He looks super squishy and delicious.

1. My no-chip manicure is looking not-good.
2. My feet/hands look like sausages every morning.
3. There are still 3 weeks til Spring Break.
4. I am phasing out of my "spaghetti-every-day" period. I'm not sure what this means....

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