Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hat full of Hammers

I understand Chris Brown "performed"on Dancing with the Stars. Really??!?!?! Bachelor Brad had zero personality and now this?!?!? I am offended as a viewer. Chris Brown is a wife-beating, woman-hating, press-loving jerk. He needs to spend the night at Rykers Island and have some ginormous man have their way with him, THEN maybe he'll start acting right. DWTS should not have been the next stop on his celebrity train ride. Gross.

Secondly, since I have been on spring break, I have been able to reconnect with my BH 90210 reruns on Soapnet. Thankfully, yesterday's episode featured was the one when Dylan and Tony get married and then Tony tragically dies at the hand of her father. Awesome. I laughed and Dylan cried. It was magical. I've been instructed to start watching 30 Rock by my little sister, insisting that it is far better than my crap dramas on channel 127. We'll see----I have a few more days left on my spring break to indulge her. In the meantime, I've spent my afternoons doing laundry, putzing (a real word for doing nothing), vacuuming, rubbing soft dog ears, staring at my birdfeeders and flowers in the garden, and dreaming of a last minute flight/trip to Anguilla care of the crew at The Bachelor. I don't think the flight is going to happen, so I've settled on the other activities for now. I did venture to Walmart for some groceries the other night and (once again) threw up in my mouth at the sight of bad hair, fat asses, unruly children, and body odor. I honestly don't know why I put myself through that on a once-a-month basis. I need to stop that and head East for some Target action. It is much "safer." No joke, I seriously want to puke upon entering the parking lot---not to say I'm better than anyone, but it is like poison to my eyes with some of the folks shopping there. I admit to showering every other day, but some of their patrons, I think its more like once a month (like my dogs). Gross.

Dave is still hobbling around with his broke-ass foot. I've given him the stink eye enough the past few days, convincing him to get a second opinion from a real foot doctor (orthopaedic doctor). The complaints have definitely slowed down, but not stopped. My "pushy wife syndrome" is really coming out, knowing there is a hatchling coming in 10 weeks and I need a capable partner around to help me lug laundry, let dogs out, carry car seats, and grocery shop. No time for crutches. AND, his second season of indoor soccer is about to start---how else am I going to get him out of the house in time for Glee?!

Beans has been licking his toes at night in the hopes that her magic spit will remedy the injury. (She doesn't know this doesn't work, but she tries so hard.) Biscuit has been making small collections of her toys near him while he is sleeping on the couch---she thinks her "Ms. Kitty" squeaky toy will also help move along the healing process. Also, in light of Biscuit's kill on Sunday, I think she was really meaning to award it to her Dad---again, trying to help the injury along. Such thoughtful pups!

(**Note: The "Hat full of Hammers" title was referenced from my grandfather, Pepe. He often uses this term to describe the level of stupidity related to someone. If you are confused by this, please visualize a hat full of hammers. Make sense? Exactly. Enjoy!)

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