Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Break WHOOO

So, my spring break has started. (Deep breath out.) Ah yes, waking up AFTER 5 am is so nice. Knowing I don't have to drive an hour to work, then an hour back.....I could come up with hundreds of reasons why life is good. There was a minor kink is the ol' spring break chain this weekend, and it goes something like this:

Sunday morning started off nicely; coffee, breakfast, discussion of a possible activity plan for the day....all good things. THEN, Dave went to the front door to check on Biscuit. (We often have to "check" on her, making sure she is not doing anything crazy like tearing up my flower beds or harassing the neighbors. This time, our "checking" resulted in this:

(**Note the squirrel is the foreground, Biscuit in the background.)

Yes, Biscuit had "bagged" her 7th kill of the season: An innocent, young squirrel that thought it was going to have a successful day foraging nuts, seeds, and twigs. Not so lucky. So naturally, I screamed, yelled for Dave, and this followed:

(**Note: Biscuit admiring her kill. She seriously could not take her eyes of the damn thing.)

Then, there were several attempts by Dave to remove the squirrel from the yard (this means throwing the body over the fence in the hopes that our neighborhood scavenger (raccoon) takes it away.

(**Note: Dave delicately arranged the dead squirrel on the shovel, though Biscuit quickly grabbed it and starting prancing around the yard with it. Dave and I were both laughing because again, Biscuit was SO proud of herself.)

Finally, Dave had Biscuit surrender, get the squirrel back on the shovel for a proper removal of the animal from the yard. Notice how Biscuit is so focused on this thing......I really think we need to invest in a Jedi-mind trick inducing activity/coach for her.

While this situation has occurred several times in the last year, I can honestly say it really doesn't bother me. I suppose Biscuit was born to do this---I know she would make a farmer or sheep herder person very happy. Too bad we only have a half acre to work with and some dumb squirrels. I know she'd love to get her paws on a rabbit, small trashy kid who walks through our yard regularly, or the drug dealers that live down the road.

Happy Spring Break!

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