Monday, March 14, 2011

Washing Machine on Wheels

ONLY on the southside of Indy would one see (while driving no less) a washing machine strapped to an open trunk of a Taurus. (NOT a van, truck or SUV, but a Taurus sedan.) I wish to God I had my camera. AND, the driver was driving real fast---how's about if that washer flew off the back and you were in its path? Awesomeness.

Now I'm going to discuss a very touchy subject for me----THE BACHELOR.

I've been mildly obsessed from season to season. This is a secret I don't like to share, even with my closest friends. Dave is aware and is embarrassed that he picked a person like me (Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor Pad obsessed).

I've been following the spoiler blogs and I suspect Mr. No Personality Brad will choose Emily. She is a hot southern tart with a sob story and surely a hidden eating disorder. Sadly, Chantal with the personality will be packing it in early. I am sure she'll be on Dancing with the Stars soon enough. It is too bad Brad is smokin' hot with ribbed abs and a 401K----He could of had his chance with me in late summer of 2002.

Oh, and another thing----I would like to start campaigning for Kid Rock. I think he'd make the next presidency awesome. Bad Ass beer for everyone, as well as Lions tickets and lots of Leo's Coney Island. I saw his interview on Piers Morgan and he was awesome. Mitch Daniels can suck it.

1 comment:

  1. I am embarrassed, ashamed, and disgusted with myself for watching the Bachelor (for the first time!) this season. We started watching it on commercials from House, then kept watching it as sort of a sociological study. It was so awful I had nightmares I was on the Bachelor on multiple Monday nights. I made cody promise me last night we would never watch it again. YET, nary a monday night in 2011 went by without us watching Brad and bemoaning how dumb he is. "I've been waiting to do this [propose to someone] for 38 years." Really? I was so sickened with myself for watching the entire season that I couldn't make it through the ATFR hour. I was a little upset he didn't pick Chantal (after all, I've been watching all season thinking he was going to), but in retrospect, she's probably a little too sharp for him. Being my innaugural (and hopefully ONLY) Bachelor season, I was actually a little surprised he didn't propose a bigamous relationship to both of the girls. Why not? Lets all move to Texas and continue on like this-- one date with you, one with you-- one fantasy suite with you...blah blah blah. Aren't there some FDLS groups in TX they could join up with? But I digress, the broken-ness of our society that causes these shows to survive (and apparently thrive from all the aftermath i've read today--not to mention watching Chantal on Reg and Kelly-- Regis was brutal), is entirely the fault of people like me, who tune in and can't turn it off. No matter how icky it makes them feel. Please, for the love of all things Holy, do NOT let me watch Ashley on the Bachelorette. I'm embarrassed I even know who she is.
