Monday, March 21, 2011

Oh Happy Baby

Today I had to go to Community North for a sugar/glucose test. Basically, you drink this "fruit punch drink" and get your blood drawn an hour later. I've mastered the art of blood tests that require drinking/eating stuff. I can thank Dr. Matthew Harrison, my hot gastroenterologist, for that. I am just now rounding the corner where I can drink things that taste like Sprite. Ugh.

Baby Norton is doing fine. I'm 28 weeks. This begins the come-every-two-week appointment round. Fun times. But the best part of my visit was seeing my friend Amanda's baby boy, Weston Matthew, for the first time since he was hatched last week. He is resting nicely at the NICU at Community North awaiting the nod to go home. I guess his baby lungs aren't up to par, so he is marinating under a tanning bed (Bili bulb machine), and getting some minor feeding assistant. He is as cute as a button with super long legs, munchkin toes, and squishy fat fat hands. Perfection. Amanda is a super trooper----She had a C-Section with him and is managing to stay at Community North all day, every day until he is ready to go home. She goes home at night, rests, and comes back----all this while recovering from major surgery. She is awesome! Oh, her husband Matt is pretty awesome too. I'm so happy for them and their new bundle of joy. They are truly blessed.

I am currently waiting three hours to attending a lactation class---i.e., weeze the juice class. This should be interesting. I'm sure Dave will no longer look at my hooters the same way. (Not that my hooters were anything special before this.) I'll keep everyone posted, as long as its not too boring/gross/inappropriate.

And to round out this post, I am the new owner of a NEW Blackberry. Oh yeah. I now will have internet all the time and my texts will come through in an orderly manner. Thank you Verizon. While I was looking to upgrade with a Droid or IPhone, my fat fingers don't text so well on the touch screen. I resent my sausage paws for the sheer idea that they make me technologically inefficient.

Happy Monday.

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