Monday, March 28, 2011

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry

Before Dave and I experienced Biscuit's squirrel killing wrath, we ventured to Oliver Winery with some great friends for some wine tasting and flower viewing. Little did I know the expansive offerings Oliver has----I thought they only made sweet wines. I was wrong. I tasted (seriously, a sip) a great pinot grigio and a delicious shiraz. While no one else seemed to enjoy the shiraz, I thought it was great. I know I'm at the point in my pregnancy where I can enjoy a glass of wine or beer here and there, but I still don't feel comfortable doing it---and quite honestly, she (baby) doesn't seem to like it so much. She doesn't move around as much and then I get a stomach ache. Not worth it. Here are some memories I was able to capture. Oh, an added bonus: Dana came down after a quick trip to Cincinnati.

We headed to FARM for dinner---great fare, great conversation, and great company. My kind of night. If I could do this once a week for the rest of my life, I'd be very happy. (Sadly, there were no puppies seen at either the winery or the restaurant.)

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